Merrick Media

Techniques for Condenser Tube Cleaning

One of the major services provided by The Merrick Group is the heat exchanger and condenser tube cleaning, maintenance, and restoration. Our service is designed to fit all specifications and…
conderser tube cleaning

How Does a Nuclear Reactor Work?

A nuclear reactor is the heart and soul of a nuclear power plant and must be treated with care by a nuclear technician. The key to a successful nuclear power…
Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance & Cleaning Services

How to Prevent Fouling in Industrial Equipment?

Industrial equipment is expensive, and proper maintenance is important to keep it working properly. Part of the reason that routine maintenance is so important to industrial equipment is that it…
Fouling in a heat exchanger before cleaning and maintenance

What Is Industrial Tank Cleaning?

Running a business can be challenging, especially when it comes to operating and maintaining your facility. Remembering to schedule regular maintenance checks and exercising proper care for your equipment is…
Industrial Tank Cleaning